This is our first major divergence between versions. Chapter 22 of the alternative matches with Chapter 24 of the more “standard” edition. There are also some ordering changes and simplifications between the versions.
炊者不立 自視不彰
[chui1] [zhe3] [bu4] [li4] [zi4] [shi4] [bu4] [zhang1]
One who stands up [high] [or] steps out [wide] does not stand up [straight], one who proclaims their own enlightenment does not manifest [their own enlightenment]
[qi3] [zhe3] [bu4] [li4]﹔ [kua4] [zhe3] [bu4] [xing2]﹔
One who stands up [high] does not stand up [straight], one who steps out [wide] does not travel
By reaching above what is natural, one strains themselves and loses their stability.… Read the rest here “道德经 Chapter 22 (24 Standard Order)”